Enabling a disabled profile ODBC

You can re-enable a user profile that has become disabled by using iSeries™ Navigator or by changing the user profile. You can also enable a disabled user profile by stopping and
restarting iSeries NetServer™.

There are three ways that you can enable a user profile that has been disabled.

To use iSeries Navigator to enable a disabled iSeries NetServer user, follow these steps:
Note: You need *IOSYSCFG and *SECADM authority to enable a disabled user profile through iSeries Navigator.

1.From iSeries Navigator, expand system > Network > Server.
2.Click TCP/IP to view the list of TCP/IP servers available.
3.Right-click iSeries NetServer and select Open.
4.Click File in upper left corner.
5.On the pull-down menu, select Disabled User IDs.
6.Click a disabled user ID and select Enable User ID.

You can also enable a disabled iSeries NetServer user by changing the user profile. To change the user profile, enter the following command:CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(USERNAME) where
USERNAME is the name of the user profile you want to re-enable.

You can exit the Change User Profile display without making any changes to the properties for the user profile.

A third way to enable a disabled iSeries NetServer user is to stop and then restart iSeries NetServer.

Posted in tips.